India's First Scar-Less Surgery Performed Successfully by Fortis Escorts Heart Institute
India's First Scar-Less Surgery Performed Successfully by Fortis Escorts Heart Institute
- Fortis Escorts Heart Institute in Delhi has performed the first scar-less surgery in India.
- The surgery was performed on Toshikinov Doniyar, an 18-year-old boy from Uzbekistan, who was suffering from a congenital heart disease.
- He was suffering a pain on the left chest for more than two years and was diagnosed with atrial septal defect (a hole in the wall seperating the upper two chambers of the heart).
- The scar-less surgery involves a minor incsion, which is almost invisible, on the fold of the areole on the patient's chest.
- According to Dr.Yugal Mishra, Director of Cardiovascular Surgery at Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, many challenges are faced during a minimal invasive surgery like putting heart pots, clearly seeing the area of treatment and adopting peripheral bypass.
- Doniyor was discharged from the hospital and is recovering well now.
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