Marlin Latest News

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Latest News on Medical Tourism, A promising year for the Indian medical tourism industry.

A promising year for the Indian medical tourism industry.

A promising year for the Indian medical tourism industry.

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Latest News on Medical Tourism, Dr. M Afzal Siddiqui is awarded a prominent young CEO title

Dr. M Afzal Siddiqui is awarded a prominent young CEO title

Dr. M Afzal Siddiqui is awarded a prominent young CEO title

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Latest News on Medical Tourism, Is medical treatment sufficient to close ASDs and VSDs?

Is medical treatment sufficient to close ASDs and VSDs?

Is medical treatment sufficient to close ASDs and VSDs?

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Latest News on Medical Tourism, The Best Medical Tourism Company of the Year award for 2019 went to MARLIN MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PVT. LTD.

The Best Medical Tourism Company of the Year award for 2019 went to MARLIN MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PVT. LTD.

The Best Medical Tourism Company of the Year award for 2019 went to MARLIN MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PVT. LTD.

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