Gall Bladder Surgery
The gall bladder is a structure that is attached to the liver. The primary role of the organ is to store and concentrate bile. Bile is a yellow-brown digestive enzyme produced by the liver. This is a part of the biliary tract. Like every other organ, gall bladder surgery is recommended if the gall bladder functions improperly or is damaged. This surgery is also known as a cholecystectomy. One of the most common reasons includes pain due to gallstones. Some of the common symptoms that can be seen in the patients include sudden, intense tummy pain, the presence of sickness, and jaundice. Here, the patient has increased yellowing of skin and whitening of eyes. Gallbladder removal surgery is performed in two ways. This includes laparoscopic gall bladder surgery and open cholecystectomy.
Laparoscopic gall bladder surgery is also known as keyhole surgery. These days, it is preferred surgery for gall bladder removal from the respective patients. In this type of surgery, the minimally invasive technique is used to avoid more massive cuts. This improves the patient’s healing time and provides an improved experience for the patient during and after the surgery. The success rates of the operation have also improved because of the implementation of the advanced steps performed by medical professionals. The surgeon uses a laparoscope, i.e., a video camera, along with the lighted scope. One incision is created inside the belly button of the patient to carry out the procedure. These devices are connected to the video monitor. The surgeon can view the complete scenario inside the patient with this equipment. Once the visibility of the gall bladder and gall stones are found, the surgical instruments are inserted, and the defective organs are removed.
Gallstone surgery is sensitive, and one must consult an experienced surgeon to receive the best results. Patients must ensure that a timely diagnosis of the condition is done when the presence of the details mentioned above is felt. General anesthesia is given to the patients before starting the procedure. Thus, the surgery is useful to patients diagnosed with gallstones and gallbladders to a great extent.
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