Best Prosthetic Implants in India
Implants, also known as prostheses or implant prostheses, are artificial replacements for natural teeth utilized in the absence or loss of natural teeth. Several factors are considered at the time of choosing the respective type of implant prostheses. This includes the number of hard tissues and soft tissues present around the area of missing teeth. Different types of dental implants are available in the present times. The dentist or dental implant specialist recommends the same to the patients to ensure that the respective type of prostheses suits the patient in the long term.
Here are some of the most common types of implant prostheses:
Endosteal implants: These are one of the most commonly advised implant
prostheses. Here, the surgeon places the implants directly in the jawbone. The appearance of these implants resembles small screws.
Subperiosteal implants: These dental implants are placed on or above the jawbone, but not inside the jawbone. The dental implant specialist takes care of the steps of the procedure to yield the best results.
Immediate Load Dental Implants: These types of implant prostheses are also known as same-day implants. In such cases, the surgeon places the temporary tooth on the same day when the dental implant is placed. This helps the patients both aesthetically and caters to the required functional aspects of the teeth. This works best when there is a presence of natural bone.
Mini Dental Implants (MDIs): Mini Dental Implants are much narrower than the most common dental implants. Interestingly, the size of these dental implants is similar to that of toothpicks. Less-invasive techniques are much more useful for the placement of these dental implants.
All-on-4 implants: In this type of dental implant, four dental implants are placed in one arch. The patient needs to take extra care after undergoing this type of dental implant procedure. This includes following a modified diet until the gum tissues heal as required. After four to six months, once the healing has adequately occurred, the patient can get back to the earlier routine as per the dental implant specialist’s condition.
Thus, dental implants or implant prostheses prove highly beneficial for the welfare of patients who want improvement in their smile and receive the best solution to the missing teeth. It is essential to consult the dental implant specialist or dentist on time without delay to avoid deterioration of the patient’s dental status.
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